I don't know if it's the holidays approaching or my Dad's birthday which just passed, but something has been making me even more aware than usual of the mind, body and spirit connection to our overall well being. Don't worry, this will tie into Anti-Aging Skin Care, just keep reading. I've written many articles about how stress and every day life choices can impact the appearance of our skin. Today I'm going to talk a bit about how our appearance is impacted by what we think, feel, and believe. I think we can all agree that everyone looks better, even healthier when they smile apposed to when they are angry, anxious, nervous, scared, sad etc. Just that simple change doesn't only make us look different, it also makes us feel better. I believe that what we believe becomes our destiny. If we truly believe we can achieve, then we will achieve, if we believe we are lovable then we will give love more freely and be loved in return. If we believe in a life filled with hope and success that is what we will create.
This is the time of year I look back over the year, evaluate where I've been, where I'm headed and how I'm going to get there. I can't help but notice that people who have a firm grasp (not my best quality) on what is and isn't important are much happier, more carefree, and have a glow about them which I admire.
Life is an adventure, a journey that unfolds in the most unexpected ways. Enjoy the ride and be grateful for the lessons. I like to view my life as a passenger, waiting for what is around the next bend with excitement and anticipation. Of course I don't just let my life "happen" while I sit back and observe it from the outside looking in...I participate.
I've learned that pain, difficult as it is, can be an opening to something wonderful as much as it is also a closure to something else. Life is always on the move, try to keep up. To fully experience life we must be truly open to the tearfulness as well as the exhilaration. Life in balance. It's a powerful skill to be able to accept the evolving nature of life. This is a work in progress for all of us.
This season find gratitude for all that is good in your life. You are much more than what you think you are. Take that leap of faith with me, follow your visions and dreams and be a participant in the greatest investigation ever known.......your life is what you make it.
Your skin will glow on the outside when the inside is healthy!
Happy Holidays Everyone! I thank you all for the opportunity to be trusted with your skin care needs.